Motherhood is more than just a day – it is a lifetime of ordinary moments and extraordinary events.

Friday, May 2, 2014



Motherhood is challenging enough without the unrealistic expectations society puts upon moms.  Sometimes, moms feel pressured to be everything to everyone--we tend to put all of our energy into taking care of everyone except ourselves.  Who takes care of mom?  Especially a brand new mom!  No matter if it is her first child, or her 6th, each new child brings new joys and challenges.  Having a new baby can feel so isolating! Many moms are filled with anxiety over caring for and raising a child.

MomsBloom was founded to reset the expectations, and reinstate the support network that is vital in the early days of motherhood.  Studies have shown that when a mother is supported and nurtured during her child’s early development, she is better able to build a strong foundation for her family. Encouraging, supporting, and nurturing women through the first steps of motherhood is what we do at MomsBloom.

MomsBloom provides tangible, concrete support at no charge to approximately 250 moms per year, and the demand keeps skyrocketing. We are that extra pair of hands, the listening ear, that source of advice that many parents need once a little one comes home. But the other, very real benefit of MomsBloom is much more intangible. How do you describe the emotional relief that comes from venting fears and gratefully accepting a bit of help? How do you measure a blossoming mother-child relationship as mom gradually becomes more confident in her abilities and comfortable with the routine? How do you begin to explain the difference in a marriage that a happier mom makes for dad, who has his own stresses and fears? How do you measure the impact that MomsBloom has in preventing the risk of child abuse that is born of frustration or isolation? The fact is this: all of us are connected. When mom is scared, depressed and frustrated, those feelings have a ripple effect on the rest of the family. But when mom is confident, happy and fulfilled, her attitude pollinates family life with joy and happiness. She blooms, and so does the family around her.

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