Motherhood is more than just a day – it is a lifetime of ordinary moments and extraordinary events.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Motherhood is challenging enough, but add in extra challenges- and warrior moms are born.  Her journey of motherhood may not have been the route she would have picked, she may face challenges we know nothing about. She may stand weary behind her smile.  She continues on, because of the love in her heart.

We celebrate you the Warrior Mom and your unwavering strength in the face of challenges.

Bernadette’s Story
“Last night we were visiting friends and as usual got home a little late. I asked the kids to get ready for bed while I hurried to get us ready for the following day.  Hazel stood quietly beside me at the sink for a few minutes, her eyes watchful. Just as I began to hurry her along, she asked me, "Mama, is it stressful for you to be a parent, to take care of us, especially when you are by yourself?" I stopped in my flurry of activity and turned to look at her. I told her that yes, sometimes it is stressful. She said she was sorry and stepped closer to put her arms around my waist. I said that sometimes my many responsibilities in life feel overwhelming. That sometimes I make the work harder than it is, and I take for granted what I have. I told her that I would never change a thing about her and her brother, Liam, that every challenge is paid back hundredfold by who they are. She told me she loved me and she scampered off to prepare for bed.
This morning, after I'd had a rough night of sleep, Hazel had gotten out of bed before me and I found her in the kitchen slicing peppers and washing strawberries to pack in lunches for her and Liam.  When Hazel was born, we were wholly unprepared for such a sensitive child. We often joked when our arms were sore from holding a screaming baby all day, our hearts raw from being unable to soothe her, about leaving her in a box at the fire station. If you've ever had a baby who truly hated being a baby, you know what I mean. Many times lately I have felt deeply honored to witness who she is becoming. The terrifying sensitivity she expressed as an infant has evolved into immense sensitivity towards others, compassion, and deep insight. It's payback. A hundredfold.”

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